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Interview with a recruiter in the form of a confidential conversation. What is the danger?

Why recruiters like to conduct behavioral interviews Behavioral interviews or interviews on competencies have been popular since the 70s of the last century. He is especially fond of competent recruiters, because this method allows you to carefully analyze the candidate according to his competencies and behavior. During such an interview, the recruiter finds out:     Does the candidate for the position possess the necessary qualities and competencies;     how the candidate behaved in certain situations at work or in life in the past. And since human behavior changes very slowly over time and is difficult to correct, the same behavior can be expected in the future. Common Behavioral Interview Questions The questions in the interviews on competencies are mostly open and focused on the candidates providing specific examples of behavior in a given situation. Often they come down to “How did when ...?” Or “How would I do if ..?”, And in the answer the recruiter can dig into specif

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